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Home Discover Your Twin: Hidden Feature in Samsung Phones' Camera Allows You to Find Your Lookalikes and Search for Similar Photos

Discover Your Twin: Hidden Feature in Samsung Phones' Camera Allows You to Find Your Lookalikes and Search for Similar Photos

Learning about regions, cities, or individuals bearing a resemblance to you has been simplified with various AI platforms such as Google Lens  and Bing Lens. Nevertheless, in this piece, we'll delve into Bixby Vision on Samsung smartphones to uncover doppelgängers, counterparts, or scout for cities, extract text, and translate.
Your Samsung phone camera has a hidden feature to know people in the world who look like you. Know your twin now
Unveil your alter ego utilizing a concealed functionality within your Samsung phone's camera. Ever felt like someone else is on your mind often? This common sentiment ignites a sense of curiosity about the possibility of a doppelgänger existing elsewhere. Thanks to cutting-edge technology, we can now harness artificial intelligence to unearth these elusive twins.

The Discovery feature, embedded within the camera application of Samsung phones, empowers us to pinpoint individuals bearing a resemblance to us or assemble a cohort of individuals who share similarities in facial characteristics. This functionality hinges on sophisticated techniques that scrutinize the subject's facial features, subsequently presenting results mirroring the selected image, which may very well be our own likeness.

How to use Bixby Vision in the Samsung Galaxy phone camera 

To delve deeper into this feature, simply open the camera app on Samsung phones, then tap on the "More" option to access the Explore feature. 
How to use Bixby Vision in the Samsung Galaxy phone camera
  • Next, you need to tap on the Bixby Vision option.
You can search for Bixby Vision as well. Of applications  .
How to use Bixby Vision in the Samsung Galaxy phone camera
  • Choose the image you want to use to explore people who resemble you. You can take a new picture or use one from your photo gallery.
After selecting the image, wait a few seconds for it to be processed by Bixby Vision.

You'll then see a list of people who resemble you based on facial features in the image.
How to use Bixby Vision in the Samsung Galaxy phone camera
Bixby Vision offers various features to make it easier to learn more about the world around you. Click on the Bixby Vision icon in the camera or gallery app for instant search and translation. Bixby Vision also features user-friendly support to assist visually impaired or low-vision users.
How to use Bixby Vision in the Samsung Galaxy phone camera
You should know  note that Bixby Vision is exclusive to Samsung phones, so if you're using another phone, this feature may not be available to you. If you don't have a Samsung phone, you can search for other websites that offer similar services for exploring resemblances between people.
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