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What is the difference between CC and BCC when sending an Email?

Writing an email is very easy and might be a bit of a chore for some at the moment, but when you start sending a new email, no matter what service you are using, be it Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook or others, two more options appear in the message writing window Above next to the "Send" to or "Received" option are "CC" and "BCC" You may be wondering:
What do these two terms mean? And when should they be used in emails? This is what we will answer through the following lines.

What do the abbreviations CC and BCC stand for?

In principle, the meaning of CC and BCC must be explained before we explain the mechanism of using each of them. As for the first symbol, it is an abbreviation for Carbon Copy, meaning a carbon copy, while the letters of the second symbol, BCC, are an abbreviation for the words Blind Carbon Copy, meaning a camouflaged carbon copy.....But what does this mean? 

If we go back a little bit to the time when carbon papers were used to make more than one copy per sheet by placing carbon sheets between the pages. In this case, whatever you wrote on the top sheet of paper, would be printed through the carbon paper to the sheet below.

The same thing with E-mail, you can make more than one copy of a single message, that is, in a simple way, one message can be relayed to more than one recipient.

What does  CC mean in email and when should it be used?

Usually when you send an email to someone, you put their email in the "To" field, but although this field allows adding any number of email addresses to send the same content to a number of people at the same time, there are times when you need to tell a group From people on the content of this message, and here comes the role of the "Copy To" or CC feature so that in this field you can enter the Email of these people to get a carbon copy of the message that was sent to the addresses in the "To" field.

Bearing in mind that those in the "To" field can see the email of all the people you added in the "CC" field, and vice versa.

So, what is the purpose of having a "CC" field? Simply distinguishing the people to whom the message is addressed, the person you added in the "To" field is often the one who is meant by the content of the message and therefore may need to take action after receiving the message such as replying to you or executing the command you requested from him, while the people you added in the "CC" field do not need Do anything, it's just informing them of the content of the message.

This means that if you receive an email where you are tagged in the CC field, you are not expected to take any action, the purpose is to "put you in the picture" so to speak!

The uses of the "CC" field are many and very useful at times, for example, you may want to send a message to a new employee about labor laws that must be followed, and you want your line manager to know about the message and its content as a person who supervises your work, here comes the role of the "CC" field To add the email address of your line manager, and the new employee with the email address in the "To" field can see the manager's email address.

What does BCC mean in Email and when should it be used?

For the Bcc or "BCC" field as its name indicates, the recipient of the message whose email address is in this field is anonymous to those in the "To" field and the "CC" field. When you add a person to the "BCC" field in an email, they receive an exact copy of the message content, but their email address is hidden from the other recipients, whose addresses are in the previous two fields. Thus, you can use this method when sending some information or decisions to a number of employees while maintaining their privacy by keeping their email addresses anonymous to each other.

You can also use this method as in the "CC" example when you need to send a specific message to an employee and keep your manager aware of it, but this time without the person in the "To" field knowing that someone else sent them a copy of the email. You can also use this method when you want to send an email to someone from your primary email account and you also want to save a copy of the message in your secondary email account without sharing it with the original recipient (which is in the "To" field)

Abstract | The "To" field remains the default when sending an email, while CC and BCC are additional options to specify who can view the message either publicly or privately relative to the original recipients mentioned in the "To" field.

We remind you that the "CC" field allows you to send a copy of the email to any recipient of your choice so that they know what you sent, but unfortunately, this leads to cluttering the inbox of the copy recipient if you put it in the same field every time you send an Email to someone Persons. Not only that, CC messages also take up unnecessary storage space in your email account.

If the email contains attachments, copies of those attachments will be created and delivered to every recipient mentioned in the To and CC fields, wasting a lot of storage space.

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