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Errors that lead to your WhatsApp account being blocked

Did you know that WhatsApp has a ban policy like other social media apps? If you open the app on your phone and see a message saying "This account is not allowed to use WhatsApp," it means your WhatsApp account has been banned. Your account can be banned without any notification to you in order to maintain the security of the app.

But why would your WhatsApp account be banned?

The app has safety policies that every user must follow, and if you violate these policies, your account may be banned. There are two types of bans in the app: temporary bans, which can be overcome by following some tips and guidelines, and permanent bans, which are impossible to overcome. You will not be able to create any new account using your phone number in the app.

Here are the most common mistakes that can lead to your account being banned:

1.Using an unofficial version of the WhatsApp application.

There are many unofficial WhatsApp applications in app stores, such as GB WhatsApp, WhatsApp Plus, WhatsApp Go, WhatsApp Prime, and OG WhatsApp. These are modified versions of the official WhatsApp application developed by external parties, and some people use them to access features that are not available in the official version, such as sending large files, for example.

However, these applications put your privacy, data security, and personal safety at risk. If you use these applications, there is no guarantee that your messages or data, such as your geographic location or shared files, will be safe. There is a high chance that your phone may be infected with various viruses and malware.

The official WhatsApp application supports end-to-end encryption to secure conversations, providing a safe chat experience between the sender and receiver. No one, including the app's developers, can read or extract data from the content of the messages you send, and only the two phones that are endpoints in the encryption setup can access it, where the app is installed.

Unofficial versions do not offer comprehensive encryption, which means that your conversations can be accessed. Therefore, unofficial versions do not adhere to WhatsApp's terms of service, and your account may be banned.

When this happens, you must download the official version to continue using WhatsApp, which is available for Android users on the Google Play Store and for iPhone and iPad users on the App Store.

2- Sending content that includes a threat or illegal content:

Social media applications are known for their transparency regarding the type of content that can be sent and shared with others, and WhatsApp also adheres to these rules. Therefore, there are certain limitations on what you can share with others on the app.

If you share illegal content with others on WhatsApp, or threaten people, or make defamatory comments related to race, religion, age, or gender, you may lose access to your account. Your account will be temporarily banned and sent for review.

If the WhatsApp team finds any threat or illegal content, they can permanently ban your WhatsApp account and even provide certain information to law enforcement authorities, depending on the severity of the misconduct committed.

3- Personal data collection:

If you use WhatsApp to extract any data automatically or manually on a wide scale for illegal purposes, including phone numbers, user account photos, and WhatsApp statuses, you are violating the app's terms of service and exposing your account to a ban.

4- Excessive use of group messaging lists:

The "broadcast list" feature allows you to send the same message to multiple contacts at the same time. This feature allows you to create specific contact lists and save them in WhatsApp, so you can send group messages to the same list without having to select the contacts every time you want to message them.

However, frequent use of broadcast lists may prompt people to report your messages, and WhatsApp bans accounts that receive multiple reports. Additionally, if multiple accounts report you within a certain period of time, it may lead to your account being banned.

5- Automating your activity on WhatsApp:

There is no limit to using WhatsApp daily, but aside from personal conversations, users can use WhatsApp for their business and make unlimited calls through the app. You can also schedule and automate replies to manage your business activity in a more organized way, but abusing this feature by sending many automated messages, spam, or dangerous links is a violation of WhatsApp policies.

WhatsApp takes a comprehensive approach against accounts that automate their activity using external tools, and it is easy to detect this by reviewing WhatsApp accounts of these users and blocking them if necessary. This does not mean that you are restricted in using the application, as there are no consequences as long as the communication appears natural.

6- Creating multiple WhatsApp groups and messaging people you don't know:

If you create a lot of WhatsApp groups and send messages through them to people who are not in your address book, this will also lead to your WhatsApp account being blocked.
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