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Plugins that help you build an online store in WordPress

One of the most important reasons for the popularity of WordPress is the availability of a lot of plugins designed specifically for it, which help website owners to add multiple features without the need to hire programmers.

According to the latest statistics, the percentage of sites running WordPress has exceeded 43%, so it is considered the most popular and used content management system around the world so far.
There are many WordPress sites for businesses that have attached electronic stores to sell products online, due to the ease of creating and linking them with electronic payment services, and shipping companies.

Here are 4 plugins to help you build a full-fledged WordPress online store:

1- Add Woocommerce:

Woocommerce is the most popular plugin in the world of e-commerce, as many WordPress sites use it to create full-fledged online stores.
This add-on contains many features that help WordPress website owners create product pages, add to cart page, and payment data, with the ability to link with electronic payment gateways and shipping companies.

It also provides a dedicated section to review sales reports and buyers' data in an easy and organized manner to help online store owners know the average value of purchase orders and other important information to improve the performance of their stores.

2- Add GTM4WP:

Installing tracking codes for advertising platforms – such as Snapchat Pixels – is one of the necessary actions that must be done when creating an online store, as it helps understand visitor behavior and improves paid ad results.

One of the most important ways to install pixel codes for advertising platforms is to use Google's tag management platform, which must be linked to your online store in the beginning to be able to add tracking codes easily.

The GTM4WP extension allows you to link your WordPress online store with your Google tag management platform account without the need for a programmer.

All you have to do is copy the Container ID you created in the tag management platform, and paste it into the space provided within the GTM4WP extension settings as shown in the following image.

3- Add Product Feed PRO for WooCommerce:

If the number of products in your online store is large, you will often resort to using (Shopping Ads) in the Google Ads platform, or catalog ads in other advertising platforms such as: Snapchat and Tik Tok.


In this case, you will need a tool to help you pull product data in your store, such as product images, descriptions and prices, and then transfer it immediately to your ad accounts so that you can promote it in advertising campaigns.

The Product Feed PRO for WooCommerce extension allows you to pull product data in your online store and deliver it to the catalog you created within any advertising platform.

All you have to do is install this extension, generate a product details link, and then copy and paste it into the space provided for it in the catalog you created in any advertising platform.

4- Add WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery:

There is a common phenomenon in online stores known as (cart abandonment), where store visitors add products to the cart and then leave them and do not complete the purchase process.

According to statistics, the rate of abandonment of the shopping basket in electronic stores has reached approximately 70%, and this number is likely to increase over time due to the large number of electronic stores and products offered in them. But it's been proven by experience that when you send an email reminder to visitors who left the products in the basket and didn't complete the purchase, 10.7% of them return to the store and complete the purchase.

The WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery extension provides you with the ability to send a series of reminders by email to encourage visitors to buy the products they left in the basket, helping you increase your online store's revenue and retrieve a percentage of these visitors and convert them into buyers.

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