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7 mistakes that make email more vulnerable to hacking.. How to protect your Email 📨 From hackers

 Emails play a vital role in sharing sensitive data and confidential information, spanning from personal details and business strategies to financial transactions. Additionally, they serve as a pathway for recovering access to various accounts and services. Thus, ensuring the security and safeguarding of email accounts against intruders and hackers is of utmost importance, considering the significant risks and severe consequences involved.

Mistakes to avoid to avoid possible hacks in order to protect your email 

In spite of the rising prevalence of messaging apps and social media platforms, emails remain the primary mode of communication for individuals and organizations. In this article, we explore several common mistakes and practices that compromise the security and privacy of email accounts, rendering them more susceptible to hacking.
How to protect your email: common mistakes that open the door to hacks for your email

» Open email on public devices

Using public computers to access email poses security risks. Despite this, situations often arise where accessing email or sending important messages becomes necessary in places like offices, schools, universities, internet cafes, and libraries. Due to the shared nature of these devices, there's an increased risk of spyware installation, potentially allowing unauthorized individuals to monitor user activity and steal personal data, including email login information.

To mitigate this risk, it's advisable to refrain from logging into email accounts or inputting sensitive information on public computers whenever possible. If unavoidable, certain precautions should be taken, such as using a guest account for logging in, activating private browsing mode in the browser, and ensuring to log out of the account after use. These measures help safeguard your data against unauthorized access and prevent other users from accessing your personal information and passwords.

» Weak passwords for your email:

Many people tend to use short and easily remembered passwords like birthdates or children's names, making them vulnerable to hacking, especially if the attacker has personal information about them. Even if the attacker lacks such information, they could still exploit accounts using AI to crack passwords. To mitigate this risk, it's essential to employ strong passwords with increased length and complexity, incorporating a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. The more diverse and lengthy the password, the more challenging it becomes for hackers to crack, even with AI tools. Furthermore, using password management apps can assist in generating strong passwords and securely storing them, offering automatic login information fill-in for email accounts.
  1. Use strong passwords that are at least 12 characters long, and include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
  2. Avoid using easy-to-guess passwords such as date of birth, family names or friends.

» Sign up for apps using your primary email address 

Frequently, users need to register or create an account to fully utilize websites, applications, and services. Typically, these platforms offer the option to sign up using an email address, which is the most convenient method for users. Registering with the primary email account, which might already be on the device or actively used, only requires a few clicks.

However, users are often required to grant websites or applications permission to access their email account information. Consequently, signing up with an email address on untrusted or unsafe platforms poses a threat to personal data security, potentially leading to email account breaches and privacy violations. To mitigate these risks, it's advisable to create a new account on the relevant website or application instead of using the primary email address.

» Opening suspicious emails, clicking on links, and downloading files from unknown sources 

Phishing is a prevalent tactic employed by cybercriminals to breach information systems and pilfer data. These malicious methods involve sending deceptive emails, often masquerading as reputable sources, in an attempt to lure recipients into clicking on links or downloading attachments. This grants attackers access to sensitive personal information. Hence, it is crucial to steer clear of unverified email links and attachments to mitigate potential risks.

Phishing emails can be easily recognized by spelling errors in the content or sender's address. Moreover, they often make unrealistic promises, such as winning extravagant prizes or receiving free gifts, which should be disregarded entirely.

In summary, , users must exercise vigilance and avoid engaging with suspicious emails, refraining from clicking on links or downloading files from dubious origins to safeguard their data and devices against infiltration.

» Use the same and repeat password for all accounts or for more than one account 

Using a robust password for your email is essential to enhance security against hackers and minimize the risk of your account being compromised. However, while these precautions are crucial, they cannot guarantee absolute protection against hacking, leaving the possibility of one of your accounts or devices being breached.

Hackers are aware that many people use a single password across multiple accounts for convenience, but this practice poses a significant risk. Therefore, it's highly recommended to refrain from reusing passwords for different accounts or devices to mitigate potential damages from a security breach.

To safeguard your email, it's imperative to use a password that is unique and doesn't match any other accounts. Each account or device should have its strong and distinct password. Avoiding the habit of writing down passwords on paper or elsewhere is crucial; instead, opt for reliable password management programs for enhanced security.
  1. If one of your accounts is hacked, it will be easy for hackers to hack all your other accounts that use the same password.
  2. Use different passwords for each of your accounts.

» Using unreliable password management software 

When we opt for creating robust, distinct passwords for every account, we might rely on specialized password managers. These tools aid in recalling and automatically filling account passwords, alleviating the burden of memorization. Nonetheless, if these programs lack reliability and security measures, they can pose a threat, potentially becoming targets for attackers.

To mitigate this risk, it's crucial to prioritize the use of highly trustworthy password managers, such as Google's password manager. Regularly reviewing and promptly changing any passwords flagged by the app for potential security breaches is also advisable.

» Use public Wi-Fi networks 

Connecting computers to public Wi-Fi networks and using untrusted peripherals to access email accounts or to access advanced features such as tracking emails is a significant security risk that can lead to your email being compromised.

Public Wi-Fi networks in cafes, libraries, schools, and public places are often less secure and less private, so it's best to avoid logging into your email accounts from these networks as much as possible. You should also check that peripherals and accessories are free of malware before connecting them to the computers or mobile devices you use to access your accounts.
  1. Hackers can easily hack public Wi-Fi networks and access your data.
  2. Using a VPN encrypts your connection and hides your IP address, making it harder for hackers to hack you.
Ensuring the security of your email account is crucial for safeguarding your personal information, sensitive data, and accounts across various websites and apps. If you ever suspect unauthorized access to your email account, it's essential to act quickly by initiating account recovery, changing your password, and enabling extra security measures such as two-factor authentication.
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