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Home Do you know the impact of your digital footprint online? Here are 6 expert cybersecurity tips to erase it effectively.

Do you know the impact of your digital footprint online? Here are 6 expert cybersecurity tips to erase it effectively.

With the rapid technological advancement, digital fingerprints have become more important than ever before. Everything we do online leaves behind digital traces that can be used to track and identify us easily.

What is a digital fingerprint?

The term "digital fingerprint" refers to the data you leave behind while browsing the internet, including your visits to websites, sending email messages, and entering information into electronic platforms. This fingerprint can be used to track your online activity and devices, making it essential to erase it to safeguard your privacy.

These are the data you leave behind when using the internet, including:
  • Websites you visit
  • Social networking app
  • Email messages you send
  • Information you enter into electronic platforms
This data can be used to track your online activity and devices, posing a threat to your privacy.
Do you know the traces of your digital footprint on the Internet, here are 6 tips to erase them in a perfect way by cybersecurity experts

6 Tips to erase your digital fingerprint in the perfect way 

In this article, we'll review a set of tips from Kaspersky experts that help you effectively erase traces of your digital footprint.

Delete unused applications:

You may have applications installed on your smartphone or laptop that you haven't used for a long time, and perhaps some of them have never been opened since you purchased the device. However, these applications consume storage space and random access memory (RAM) on the device despite not being actively used.

Furthermore, these applications may pose a security risk if they are outdated and have been compromised. Therefore, it is advisable to delete unused applications from your devices to ensure security.

Delete unnecessary files:

Deleting unused files can take a considerable amount of time, especially if you have a large quantity. It is advisable to start by deleting a limited number daily, such as 20 to 50 files. You can begin by cleaning up the desktop of your computer from unused shortcuts, a simple step that can improve the computer's performance.

Next, you can check the downloads folder and remove unnecessary files. You can also use the performance page in the Kaspersky application to identify large, duplicate, and temporary files stored deep within the operating system. Don't forget to empty the recycle bin once you finish deleting unnecessary files.

Clean up your email and messaging apps: 

In the era of constant communication, dealing with an overflowing email inbox has become a common challenge for everyone. You can initiate the cleanup of your email by taking simple steps, such as unsubscribing from newsletters that are not of interest to you.

Additionally, you can eliminate unread messages that have been sitting for a long time. If you haven't read them by now, it's unlikely you will in the future. And, of course, don't forget to delete all the annoying spam messages.

There's also a great way to free up storage space on your phone by deleting old conversations in the messaging apps you use.

Cleaning Cookies:

Regularly clean cookies files to prevent tracking your online activities.

Review Privacy Settings:

Review the privacy settings in all your online accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.) and customize them according to your preferences. Restrict access to your personal information and prevent sharing it with external parties.

Check the security of passwords:

Very few users adhere to good password management practices, as they repeat the same password for all their digital accounts. It is necessary to get rid of this harmful habit now, and start using a password management application such as Kaspersky Password Manager . This app shows you passwords that may be unsafe, helps you create unique and secure passwords using the randomization feature, encrypts them when stored, and automatically syncs passwords across all your devices.

Delete unused accounts:

Unused online accounts are an integral part of your digital footprint and pose a continuous risk. If any of these accounts are compromised, they can be exploited for fraud or used in attacks on other accounts. Moreover, if a debit/credit card is linked to such accounts, serious financial consequences may follow.

Therefore, it is advisable not to leave unnecessary accounts, and Kaspersky experts recommend deleting at least one unnecessary account weekly to avoid vulnerability. Facilitating this process can be achieved by adding all accounts to a password management application, securely storing passwords for easy access and control. In case of an account breach, the application allows immediate notification to take necessary actions, such as changing the password or deleting the account if necessary.

Turn off unnecessary notifications:

Using numerous applications results in receiving a significant number of digital notifications daily. Despite the desire to disable all notifications, it is advisable to selectively turn off notifications for apps that excessively send them or misuse them, rather than completely forgoing their benefits. It is worth noting that many devices feature a Focus mode that you can activate to temporarily disable notifications during critical periods such as meetings.

You should be aware that erasing your digital footprint is an ongoing process that requires monitoring privacy settings and online behavior regularly. There are various tools and resources available, such as the Kaspersky website, to assist you in erasing your digital footprint.

In conclusion, safeguarding our online privacy has become an individual responsibility, and following these tips will help you erase your digital footprint and enhance your online security.
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