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4 Ways to Stop Them...How to Disable AI Overviews on Google Search?

In your last search on Google, you may have noticed a new feature: a concise answer crafted by artificial intelligence. This addition, part of Google's AI Overviews, offers streamlined responses to queries directly within the search results. After a year of testing, Google has gradually rolled out this feature to all users.
3 Ways to Stop Them...How to Disable AI Overviews on Google Search
What is AI Overviews

However, the reception hasn't been entirely positive. Some users have reported encountering misleading answers. Others are frustrated by the way these AI-generated snippets dominate the search results page, disrupting their overall experience. These issues have prompted a number of users to seek methods to disable the feature.

For those looking to turn off AI Overviews, there are straightforward steps available to regain control over your search interface. This article will guide you through these methods, ensuring a more personalized and accurate search experience.

What is the new AI Overviews feature from Google?

AI Overviews is a feature integrated into Google Search that allows users to receive answers written by artificial intelligence for their queries. This feature gathers and summarizes information from various web pages, presenting a concise answer at the top of the search results page. Additionally, it provides links to the sources it relied on to generate the answer, enabling users to verify the accuracy of the information.

Although this feature appears useful, it significantly slows down the search process, and the answers it provides can sometimes be inaccurate or incorrect.

How to turn off AI Overviews on Google Search?

Have you ever felt frustrated by those AI Overviews that pop up on Google search results? You're not alone. While Google doesn't offer a direct option to turn them off, there are a few nifty tricks you can try to reclaim your search experience. Let's dive into some creative solutions to keep those pesky AI summaries at bay.

  • Use Web filter from Google's Search Engine 

Want to keep your Google search results clean and avoid the new AI Overviews feature? Here's how you can do it without any hassle:

Instead of seeing the AI Overviews feature at the top of your search results, you can stick to the traditional layout by using the web filter option. Just follow these simple steps:
  1. Conduct your search on Google as usual.
  2. Click on "More" at the top of the page, just below the search bar.
  3. Then, select "Web" from the options.
  4. Voilà! Your search results will now appear without the AI Overviews feature.
Use Web filter from Google's Search Engine
Image Courtesy: Google

Remember, you'll need to repeat these steps each time you search on Google to keep the AI Overviews feature hidden.

  • Use udm14 website 

The udm14 website was launched to remove the AI Overviews feature By using the web filter directly, you can view a full explanation of the site via this link 🔗 

  • Use custom Chrome extensions to hide AI Overviews

Another easy way to disable AI Overviews is by installing a browser extension specifically designed for that purpose.

You can use the "Bye Bye, Google AI" extension, which enhances the Google search results page and by default hides the AI Overviews feature. This extension also allows you to hide other parts of the search results page, such as ads, the "People Also Ask" section, and the "Discussions" section.
Bye Bye, Google AI: Turn off Google AI
Another extension called "Hide Google AI Overviews" can be installed in Chrome, and once installed, the AI Overviews feature will automatically stop working the next time you search using Google's search engine.

  • Sign out of your Google account

When you log out of your Google account, you'll miss out on the AI Overviews feature on the search results page. While logging in may be necessary for various reasons, this method doesn't require you to install any plugins or enable web filters every time you search online.

This was it  four ways to disable AI summaries on Google using artificial intelligence. Hopefully, you'll find them helpful.
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